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NNWN /Tamru, Bangladesh, 2017-10-18

Drawing the comparison between Syrian refugees and Rohingya refugees, United Nation's International Organisation of Migration (IOM) Director General said that the later crisis was worse than the exodus from Syria. UN IOM DG Willian Lacy Swing said that the Rohingya exodus from southwest Myanmar to southeast Bangladesh is “man-made” and “needs a political solution". UN IOM DG Swing further said that the international community should treat the refugee influx as “a top priority” so that the problem was resolved quickly and refugees were able to go back to their country.
Swing, a career diplomat from the U.S., was visiting the Tamru border in Bandarban district in southeast Bangladesh, where thousands of Rohingya muslim are stranded on no man’s land between Bangladesh and Myanmar. Swing in his tweet made an appeal to international community to intervene in the matter.

Rohingya crisis has hit the international headlines as lakhs of Rohingya Muslims left from Rakhine state in southwest Myanmar and crossed over to southeast Bangladesh in less than two months' time from August.
According to the Bangladesh government, between August 25 and October 11, a total of 5,36,000 Rohingya Muslims from Rakhine State in southwest Myanmar crossed over to southeast Bangladesh.International humanitarian agencies, such as the IOM, vetted the recent refugee figure of the Bangladesh government’s Refugee, Relief and Repatriation Commission.
“It [building pressure on Myanmar] has to be given top priority so that there [remains] a possibility of [the refugees] resuming their lives and returning to their livelihood and homes, which they have lost,” Swing said. But, meanwhile, humanitarian relief should continue, he added. “We are going back to our [IOM] headquarters in Geneva to take part in the pledging [for humanitarian aid] on October 23,” Swing said. The fund that the humanitarian agencies need to deal with the crisis is to the tune of 450 million US dollars till March 2018. Swing said they need to continue dialogue with the donors and the international community to support the people.